National Awards “Science and Research”
NEW! RJPhP has announced the annually National Award for "Science and Research" for the best scientific articles published throughout the year in the official journal.
Read the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.
The published medical research literature is a global public good. Medical journal editors have a social responsibility to promote global health by publishing, whenever possible, research that furthers health worldwide.
Boli de nutritie si leacuri naturiste
Diabetul, obezitatea și slăbirea excesivă se tratează atât cu o alimentație specifică, cât și cu mișcare și leacuri din plante!
Cuvinte cheie: diabet, obezitate, cură de slăbire, alimentație sănătoasă, leacuri naturiste
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